
Listă publicații (total: 566)

Publicații în Acces Deschis
Articole din reviste internaționale
1. OLESCHUK, Valentin. Grid-connected PV system employing three inverters regulated by synchronous scheme of pwm. In: Technical Electrodynamics. 2022, nr. 5, pp. 23-28. ISSN 1607-7970.
Articole din reviste naționale
Categoria A
1. OLESCHUK, Valentin. Analysis and Simulation of Overmodulation Modes of a Three-Inverter Block of the Photovoltaic Installation. In: Problemele Energeticii Regionale. 2022, nr. 3(55), pp. 17-26. ISSN 1857-0070.
2. POPESCU, Victor; TÎRŞU, Mihai; ŢISLINSCAIA, Natalia; VIŞANU, Vitali; BALAN, Mihail; MELENCIUC, Mihail. Increasing the Efficiency of the Drying Process of Fruits Treated Using SHF Method. In: Problemele Energeticii Regionale. 2022, nr. 3(55), pp. 130-139. ISSN 1857-0070.
3. TÎRŞU, Mihai; POPESCU, Victor; BALAN, Mihail; KURDOV, Igor; BALAN, Tatiana; ROTARI, Viorel. Fluidized Bed Seed Dewatering System. In: Problemele Energeticii Regionale. 2022, nr. 2(54), pp. 114-122. ISSN 1857-0070.
4. ЛУПУ, Михаил; ЗАЙЦЕВ, Дмитрий; ТЫРШУ, Михай; ГОЛУБ, Ирина. Influence of Wind Turbines on the Operating Modes of the Distribution Network. In: Problemele Energeticii Regionale. 2022, nr. 2(54), pp. 63-73. ISSN 1857-0070.
5. ШИТ, М.; ЖУРАВЛЕВ, А.; ПАЦЮК, В.И.; ТИМЧЕНКО, Д.. Automatic Control System for Shell and Coil Heat Exchanger with Variable Heat Exchange Surface Area. In: Problemele Energeticii Regionale. 2022, nr. 4(56), pp. 89-99. ISSN 1857-0070.
6. ШИТ, М.; ЖУРАВЛЕВ, А.; ТИМЧЕНКО, Д.. Automatic Control of the Hybrid Heat Pump for Heating of Multi-Storey Buildings. In: Problemele Energeticii Regionale. 2022, nr. 2(54), pp. 74-83. ISSN 1857-0070.
Alte reviste
1. POSTORONCA, Sveatoslav. Extinderea ariei de brevetare sub aspect de conţinut al invenţiilor carealitate condiţionată de evoluţia știinţifică în sprijinul dezvoltăriidomeniului energetic. In: Intellectus. 2022, nr. 1, pp. 61-71. ISSN 1810-7079.
Categoria B
1. POSTORONCA, Sveatoslav; BÎCOVA, Elena. Activitatea cercetătorului Vladimir Berzan în calitate de savant și inventator . In: Intellectus. 2022, nr. 2, pp. 42-53. ISSN 1810-7079.
Categoria B+
1. POSTORONCA, Sveatoslav; ZAITSEV, Dmitrii; TÎRŞU, Mihai; GOLUB, Irina; KALOSHIN, Danila N.. Modes of the booster transformer with regulation in zigzag .. In: Journal of Engineering Sciences. 2022, nr. 2, pp. 33-45. ISSN 2587-3474.
2. TURTURICA, Natalya. Development of six-phase symmetrical components filters for self-compensating power lines. In: Journal of Engineering Sciences. 2022, nr. 2, pp. 46-53. ISSN 2587-3474.
Categoria C
1. ОЛЕЩУК, Валентин. Синхронная многозонная модуляция для регулирования силовых электронных преобразовательных систем на базе инверторов напряжения: обзор результатов последних исследований. In: Электронная обработка материалов. 2022, nr. 5(58), pp. 51-70. ISSN 0013-5739.
Articole în culegeri internaționale
1. BOŞNEAGA, Valeriu; SUSLOV, Victor; STRATAN, Ion; DOBREA, Ina. The peculiarities of the steady state modes of medium voltage cables grid at various neutral grounding and single-phase to ground failure. In: Electrical and Power Engineering, International Conference and Exposition. Ediția 12, 20-22 octombrie 2022, Iași. New Jersey, SUA: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2022, ISBN 978-166548994-2.
2. OLESCHUK, Valentin; ERMURATSKII, Vladimir; VASILIEV, Irina. Synchronous Adjustment of Three Modulated Inverters of Grid- Tied Photovoltaic Installation. In: IEEE KhPI Week on Advanced Technology KhPI Week 2022. 3-7 octombrie 2022, Kharkiv. New Jersey, SUA: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2022, ISBN 979-835039920-2.
3. OLESCHUK, Valentin; TÎRŞU, Mihai; VASILIEV, Irina. Multilevel Power Electronic Systems Adjusted by Algorithms of Multi-Zone Space-Vector Modulation: A Survey. In: Conference on Development and Application Systems DAS 2022. Ediţia a XVI-a, 26-28 mai 2022, Suceava. New Jersey, SUA: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2022, ISBN 978-166548162-5.
Articole în culegeri naționale
1. BOGDEVICH, Oleg; BYCOVA, Elena V.; DRUCIOC, Stela; CULIGHIN, Elena. Spatial mapping of national emissions of short-lived climate pollutants in Republic of Moldova. In: Ecological and environmental chemistry - 2022. Ediția 7, Vol.1, 3-4 martie 2022, Chișinău. Chisinau: Centrul Editorial-Poligrafic al USM, 2022, ISBN 978-9975-159-06-7..
Articole din reviste internaționale
1. BERZAN, Vladimir; BYCOVA, Elena V.; GRITSAI, Mikhail; CERNEI, Mihai. Phenomenological model of the cogeneration heating plant. In: Energie.Mediu.Eficiență.Resurse.Globalizare - EMERG . 2021, pp. 97-114. ISSN 2668-7003.
2. BOŞNEAGA, Valeriu; SUSLOV, Victor. Investigation of steady-state asymmetric modes of three-legs transformer with extended triangle connection. In: Energie.Mediu.Eficiență.Resurse.Globalizare - EMERG . 2021, pp. 109-122. ISSN 2668-7003.
3. EFREMOV, Cristina. Providing greater flexibility for high penetration renewable integration. In: Energie.Mediu.Eficiență.Resurse.Globalizare - EMERG . 2021, pp. 109-128. ISSN 2668-7003.
4. KALININ, Lev; ZAITSEV, Dmitrii; TÎRŞU, Mihai; GOLUB, Irina; KALOSHIN, Danila N.. Characteristics of two channel static frequency converter. In: Energie.Mediu.Eficiență.Resurse.Globalizare - EMERG . 2021, pp. 62-74. ISSN 2668-7003.
5. TÎRŞU, Mihai; ZAITSEV, Dmitrii; GOLUB, Irina. Distributed generation – oportunity to increase energy security. In: Energie.Mediu.Eficiență.Resurse.Globalizare - EMERG . 2021, pp. 36-47. ISSN 2668-7003.
Articole din reviste naționale
Categoria B+
1. KALININ, Lev; ZAITSEV, Dmitrii; TÎRŞU, Mihai; GOLUB, Irina; KALOSHIN, Danila N.. Energy characteristics of phase regulating device based on "Star" circuit. In: Journal of Engineering Sciences. 2021, nr. 3, pp. 71-79. ISSN 2587-3474.
Alte reviste
1. OLESCHUK, Valentin. Methods and techniques of synchronous multi-zone modulation for the control of power electronic converters for electric transport and photovoltaic systems. In: Revista de Ştiinţă, Inovare, Cultură şi Artă „Akademos”. 2021, nr. 4(63), pp. 37-47. ISSN 1857-0461.
2. АНИСИМОВ, В.К.. Cовершенствование методики подбора кадров для выполнения работ, связанных с решением изобретательских задач. In: Intellectus. 2021, nr. 3-4, pp. 95-105. ISSN 1810-7079.
Categoria A
1. БОШНЯГА, Валерий; СУСЛОВ, Виктор. Study of Partial-Phase Steady-State Operation Modes of Phase-Shift Transformer with Hexagonal Circuit and Regulating Autotransformer. In: Problemele Energeticii Regionale. 2021, nr. 3(51), pp. 10-23. ISSN 1857-0070.
2. КАЛИНИН, Лев; ЗАЙЦЕВ, Дмитрий; ТЫРШУ, Михай; ГОЛУБ, Ирина; КАЛОШИН, Данила. Controlled Intersystem Link Based on a "Hexagon" Scheme Converter. In: Problemele Energeticii Regionale. 2021, nr. 1(49), pp. 12-20. ISSN 1857-0070.
3. ШИТ, М.; ЖУРАВЛЕВ, А.. Hybrid Carbon Dioxide Heat Pump for the Multifamily Residential Buildings in the Heat Supply System Based on CHP. In: Problemele Energeticii Regionale. 2021, nr. 3(51), pp. 91-98. ISSN 1857-0070.
Articole în culegeri internaționale
1. BOŞNEAGA, Valeriu; SUSLOV, Victor. Investigation of Supply Phase Failure in Phase-Shifting Transformer with Hexagon Scheme and Regulating Autotransformer. In: Sielmen Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Electromechanical and Energy Systems. Ediţia 11, 7-8 octombrie 2021, Iași. Chişinău: Pro Libra, 2021, ISBN 978-166540078-7.
2. COMENDANT, Ion; DUPLEVA (PREPELIŢA), Iulia; TURCUMAN, Lilia. Identifying the Conditions of Maximum Electricity Demand Coverage in a Direct Mode, by Wind and Photovoltaic sources. In: International Conference on Modern Power Systems. Ediția a 9-a, 16-17 iunie 2021, Cluj-Napoca. New Jersey, SUA: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2021, ISBN 978-166543381-5.
3. KALININ, Lev; ZAITSEV, Dmitrii; TÎRŞU, Mihai; GOLUB, Irina; KALOSHIN, Danila N.. Functional Characteristics of a Multichannel Frequency Converter. In: International Conference on Modern Power Systems. Ediția a 9-a, 16-17 iunie 2021, Cluj-Napoca. New Jersey, SUA: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2021, ISBN 978-166543381-5.
4. KALININ, Lev; ZAITSEV, Dmitrii; TÎRŞU, Mihai; GOLUB, Irina; KALOSHIN, Danila N.. Typical Operating Modes of a Multichannel Frequency Converter. In: Sielmen Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Electromechanical and Energy Systems. Ediţia 11, 7-8 octombrie 2021, Iași. Chişinău: Pro Libra, 2021, ISBN 978-166540078-7.
5. KIORSAK, Michael; TURTURICA, Natalya. Simulation of Filters of Six Symmetrical Components of Currents (Voltages) of Controlled Self-Compensating Power Lines. In: Sielmen Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Electromechanical and Energy Systems. Ediţia 11, 7-8 octombrie 2021, Iași. Chişinău: Pro Libra, 2021, ISBN 978-166540078-7.
6. OLESCHUK, Valentin. Strategies, Schemes, and Algorithms of Synchronous Space-Vector PWM for Voltage Source Inverters of Open-End Winding Motor Drives: An Overview. In: Sielmen Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Electromechanical and Energy Systems. Ediţia 11, 7-8 octombrie 2021, Iași. Chişinău: Pro Libra, 2021, ISBN 978-166540078-7.
7. OLESCHUK, Valentin; VASILIEV, Irina; GRIVA, Giovanni. Overmodulation Operation of Two-Level PWM Inverters of Photovoltaic System with Double-Delta Configuration of Winding of Power Transformer. In: International Conference on Modern Power Systems. Ediția a 9-a, 16-17 iunie 2021, Cluj-Napoca. New Jersey, SUA: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2021, ISBN 978-166543381-5.
8. OLESCHUK, Valentin; VASILIEV, Irina; GRIVA, Giovanni; SPERTINO, Filippo. Schemes and Techniques of Synchronous Modulation of PV Inverters with High Modulation Indices: A Survey. In: International Symposium on Advanced Topics in Electrical Engineering ATEE 2021. Ediția a 12-a, 25-27 martie 2021, București. New Jersey, SUA: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2021, ISBN 978-166541878-2.
9. ROBU, Sergiu; LUPU, Mihail. Allocation of Economic Parameters between Heat and Electricity for a CHP. In: Sielmen Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Electromechanical and Energy Systems. Ediţia 11, 7-8 octombrie 2021, Iași. Chişinău: Pro Libra, 2021, ISBN 978-166540078-7.
10. ROBU, Sergiu; LUPU, Mihail; DAUD, Vasilii. The Impact of Distributed Heat Pumps on the District Heating System. In: International Conference on Modern Power Systems. Ediția a 9-a, 16-17 iunie 2021, Cluj-Napoca. New Jersey, SUA: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2021, ISBN 978-166543381-5.
11. SIT, Mikhail; TÎRŞU, Mihai; JURAVLIOV, Anatoli; TIMCHENKO, Dmitrii. Integration of Air to Water Heat Pump into District Heating System with Combined Heat Power Plant. In: International Conference on Modern Power Systems. Ediția a 9-a, 16-17 iunie 2021, Cluj-Napoca. New Jersey, SUA: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2021, ISBN 978-166543381-5.
12. TÎRŞU, Mihai; COVALENCO, Nicolae; ZAITSEV, Dmitrii; NEGURA, Ion; GAVRILAS, M.; NEAGU, Bogdan Constantin. Photovoltaic-Thermal System for Trigenerating Electricity, Hot Water and Cold. In: Sielmen Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Electromechanical and Energy Systems. Ediţia 11, 7-8 octombrie 2021, Iași. Chişinău: Pro Libra, 2021, ISBN 978-166540078-7.
13. ОЛЕЩУК, Валентин. Синхронное регулирование пятифазной преобразовательной системы на базе сдвоенных инверторов. In: Прикладні науково-технічні дослідження Матеріали V міжнародної науково-практичної конференції. Ediția a 5-a, 5-7 aprilie 2021, Івано-Франківськ. Україна, Івано-Франківськ: Академія технічних наук України, 2021, ISBN 978-617-7926-12-1.
Articole din reviste internaționale
1. BERZAN, Vladimir; BYCOVA, Elena V.; ANDRONATI, Nicolae; CERNEI, Mihai; VOLCONOVICI, Liviu. Particularity of the response of a power line in modulation mode in terms of amplitude, frequency and phase angle. In: Energie.Mediu.Eficiență.Resurse.Globalizare - EMERG . 2020, pp. 23-44. ISSN 2668-7003.
2. BERZAN, Vladimir; ERMURACHI, Iurie; PENTIUC, Radu Dumitru; FILOTE, Constantin L.; POPA, Cezar-Dumitru. Solid state transformer for connecting consumers to the medium voltage network. In: Advances in Electrical and Computer Engineering. 2020, nr. 1(20), pp. 1-6. ISSN 1582-7445.
3. OLESCHUK, Valentin; ERMURATSKII, Vladimir. Two-inverter-based photovoltaic installation adjusted by the modified scheme of space-vector modulation. In: Technical Electrodynamics. 2020, nr. 5, pp. 26-30. ISSN 1607-7970.
Articole din reviste naționale
Categoria B
1. BERZAN, Vladimir. Fondator al industriei tehnicii de calcul în Republica Moldova. Acad. Nicolae ANDRONATI la 85 de ani. In: Revista de Ştiinţă, Inovare, Cultură şi Artă „Akademos”. 2020, nr. 4(59), pp. 158-159. ISSN 1857-0461.
Categoria A
1. BERZAN, Vladimir; PATSYUK, Vladimir; RYBACOVA, Galina; PORUMB, Radu; POSTOLACHE, Petru. Calculation of the Electrostatic Field in Non-Homogeneous Structures. In: Problemele Energeticii Regionale. 2020, nr. 1(45), pp. 42-50. ISSN 1857-0070.
2. VIERU, Dmitrii. Research on the impact of distributed generation on slow changes of voltage profiles in low voltage electrical networks. In: Problemele Energeticii Regionale. 2020, nr. 3(47), pp. 20-28. ISSN 1857-0070.
3. БОШНЯГА, Валерий; СУСЛОВ, Виктор. Investigation of Symmetrical Modes of Operation and Calculation of the Installed Capacity of Phase-Shifting Transformer, Based on Hexagon Connection. In: Problemele Energeticii Regionale. 2020, nr. 4(48), pp. 11-22. ISSN 1857-0070.
4. КАЛИНИН, Лев; ЗАЙЦЕВ, Дмитрий; ТЫРШУ, Михай; ГОЛУБ, Ирина; ПОГОРЛЕЦКИЙ, Вячеслав; КАЛОШИН, Данила. Characteristics of the Static Zigzag-Triangle Frequency Converter. In: Problemele Energeticii Regionale. 2020, nr. 1(45), pp. 30-41. ISSN 1857-0070.
5. ОЛЕЩУК, Валентин. Synchronous PWM Regulation of Inverters of Drive Installation with Two Stator Windings of Electrical Motor. In: Problemele Energeticii Regionale. 2020, nr. 4(48), pp. 1-10. ISSN 1857-0070.
6. ШИТ, М.; ЖУРАВЛЕВ, А.; ПАЦЮК, В.И.; ТИМЧЕНКО, Д.; ЧЕРНЫШОВ, Павел; ЛОМОВЦЕВ, Павел. Thermal Four-Pole for Inclusion of Heat Pumps into the Heat Supply System with the CHP. In: Problemele Energeticii Regionale. 2020, nr. 4(48), pp. 90-100. ISSN 1857-0070.